برنامج فاينل كت برو اكس احدث اصدار Final Cut Pro 10.4.4
فاينال كت برو (بالإنجليزية: Final Cut Pro) هو عبارة عن سلسلة من مجموعة من برامج تحرير الفيديو الغير خطية، تم وضعه من قبل شركة ماكروميديا ثم لاحقا شركة أبل، يعمل على جميع أجهزة الماك ذات النظام ماك أو إس، احدث اصدار للفينال كت برو هو 10.3.4، يشتغل على جميع أجهزة الماك ثم لاحقا تم اصدار النسخة 10.10، البرنامج يتيح للمستخدمين تسجيل ونقل الفيديوهات على القرص الصلب (داخلي وخارجي )، حيث يمكن تحريريها ومعالجتها ، والإخراج لمجموعة واسعة من الاشكال . تم كتابته بشكل كام من قبل شركة شركه ابل للعام 2011 مع الإصدار الأخير من فاينال كات برو اكس عند البداية مع الإصدار 7.0.3 منذ أوائل عام 2000 وضعت وعملت على توسعه بيانات قاعدة المستخدمة الكبيرة، وذلك لهواة وصناع الفيديوهات والسينما المستقبلية . كما انها حققت نجاحات مع محرري السينما والتلفزيون الذين كانوا متعطشين للتقنية. وفقا لدراسة 2007 ان فاينال كت برو قد حل بنسبة %49 في سوق مهنة التحرير في الولايات المتحدة ، وهناك أيضا دراسة نشرت في عام 2008 من قبل المحررين نقابة السينما الأمريكية وصل فاينال كتب برو بين المستخدمين إلى نسبة %21
برنامج فاينل كت برو لا يعمل على نظام ويندوز، باعتقادي لن تنتج شركة أبل نسخة منه للويندوز ابداً!
لذلك ان كنت تبحث عن طريقة لاستخدام هذا البرنامج قم بتحويل جهازك الى ماك او اشتري جهاز ماك!
ما الجديد في هذه النسخة؟
لم تحمل هذه النسخة مميزات عديدة، اليكم صورة من المميزات الجديدة
Workflow extensions
• Extend the capabilities of Final Cut Pro with third-party extensions that open directly within the app interface
• Drag and drop clips between the extension window, browser, and timeline
• Connect to existing third-party accounts to access projects, download media, and purchase content
• Deep integration allows extensions to control timeline playback, navigation, clip markers, and more
• Workflow extensions include tools for collaboration (Frame.io), stock media (Shutterstock), and asset management (CatDV)
Batch share
• Export and transcode multiple clips in the browser — with or without a camera LUT — for fast turnaround of dailies and other reviews
• Select and export multiple projects
• Combine batch sharing with bundles to encode multiple files to multiple formats in one step
• Monitor export progress in the background tasks window
Video noise reduction
• Apply the high-quality, drag-and-drop noise reduction effect to reduce grain and video noise
• Use simple controls to quickly adjust the look and amount of noise reduction
• Easily change processing order by dragging the noise reduction effect in the inspector
• The viewer shows the noise reduction effect when paused and disables the effect when skimming for optimal performance
• Apply 360° noise reduction to 360° video clips while preserving a flawless seam
Timecode window
• View project and source timecode in one or more floating timecode windows
• Resize the timecode window and drag any one to a second screen
• Choose to display clip names and role names
• Color coding in the timecode window matches the colors of roles in the timeline
Comparison Viewer
• Open the Comparison Viewer to reference other frames for consistent color grading across your project
• Quickly select the previous or next clip in the timeline as your reference frame
• Save any image to the frame browser to reference it later in the Comparison Viewer
Tiny Planet
• Select the Tiny Planet mapping option when adding 360º video to a non-360° project to create interesting spherical looks
• Use the roll and tilt parameters to wrap your tiny planet effect into an infinite cylinder
• Adjust the pan parameter to move your subject horizontally within the tiny planet
• Animate the field of view to transition from a close up to a satellite view flying high above your footage
• Give 360° titles and generators a powerfully warped look by applying the Tiny Planet mapping option
Other new features
• View, edit, and deliver closed captions in the SRT format, which is used by a wide range of websites including Facebook
• Choose to burn closed captions into your video to ensure they appear at all times during playback
• When dragging in the timeline to select a secondary storyline, you can now select individual clips or the entire secondary storyline
• Instantly turn any photo or video into a comic book illustration using Comic filter then refine the comic book look with simple controls to adjust ink edges, fill, and smoothness
• Extend the capabilities of Final Cut Pro with third-party extensions that open directly within the app interface
• Drag and drop clips between the extension window, browser, and timeline
• Connect to existing third-party accounts to access projects, download media, and purchase content
• Deep integration allows extensions to control timeline playback, navigation, clip markers, and more
• Workflow extensions include tools for collaboration (Frame.io), stock media (Shutterstock), and asset management (CatDV)
Batch share
• Export and transcode multiple clips in the browser — with or without a camera LUT — for fast turnaround of dailies and other reviews
• Select and export multiple projects
• Combine batch sharing with bundles to encode multiple files to multiple formats in one step
• Monitor export progress in the background tasks window
Video noise reduction
• Apply the high-quality, drag-and-drop noise reduction effect to reduce grain and video noise
• Use simple controls to quickly adjust the look and amount of noise reduction
• Easily change processing order by dragging the noise reduction effect in the inspector
• The viewer shows the noise reduction effect when paused and disables the effect when skimming for optimal performance
• Apply 360° noise reduction to 360° video clips while preserving a flawless seam
Timecode window
• View project and source timecode in one or more floating timecode windows
• Resize the timecode window and drag any one to a second screen
• Choose to display clip names and role names
• Color coding in the timecode window matches the colors of roles in the timeline
Comparison Viewer
• Open the Comparison Viewer to reference other frames for consistent color grading across your project
• Quickly select the previous or next clip in the timeline as your reference frame
• Save any image to the frame browser to reference it later in the Comparison Viewer
Tiny Planet
• Select the Tiny Planet mapping option when adding 360º video to a non-360° project to create interesting spherical looks
• Use the roll and tilt parameters to wrap your tiny planet effect into an infinite cylinder
• Adjust the pan parameter to move your subject horizontally within the tiny planet
• Animate the field of view to transition from a close up to a satellite view flying high above your footage
• Give 360° titles and generators a powerfully warped look by applying the Tiny Planet mapping option
Other new features
• View, edit, and deliver closed captions in the SRT format, which is used by a wide range of websites including Facebook
• Choose to burn closed captions into your video to ensure they appear at all times during playback
• When dragging in the timeline to select a secondary storyline, you can now select individual clips or the entire secondary storyline
• Instantly turn any photo or video into a comic book illustration using Comic filter then refine the comic book look with simple controls to adjust ink edges, fill, and smoothness
على أي اصدار من الماك تعمل هذه النسخة؟
تعمل النسخة الأخيرة من فاينل كت برو على macOS 10.13.6
لا تعمل النسخة على الأنظمة التي أقل من هذا الاصدار
بامكانك معرفة المزيد من المعلومات بالتوجه الى الموقع الرسمي عبر الرابط التالي
[ حجم الملف: 3 جيجا ]
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