فلتر GenArts Sapphire v7.07 للافتر افكت والبريمير بيئة 64 بت فقط
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Sapphire increases your productivity, quality output, and ability to compete. Platform-agnostic so you can leverage your work across video editing and other compositing software without compromising consistency or quality of the look, Sapphire saves you valuable time and money. Discover the superior image quality, control, render speed, and impact on viewer engagement compared to other plugins or many effects included with After Effects. Sapphire’s Glow EdgeRays, LensFlare, Lightning, FilmEffect, Warps, and Textures are just a few effects that enable you to create sophisticated and stunning, yet completely organic looks, unmatched in the industry. The breadth and depth of over 250 visual effects, along with the speed and ease of use offered by Sapphire, not only frees up time to craft each piece of work exactly as you want it but also deliver the creative impact that engages viewers and delivers superior results.
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